Revealing your abs VS Building your abs. There’s a difference

OK when it comes to the topic of abs or six-packs, there is a whole lot of misunderstanding around it. let’s start with revealing your abs then we go onto building your abs. I will not go into specific exercises in this post, I just want to clarify the misunderstanding for most of my friends(strangers I don’t know yet 😉 ) out there when it comes to the reason they don’t seem to see any progress with the abdominal muscles.

Revealing your abs

Am going to keep this very simple and short and i will type the exact way i talk. If your body fat percentage is still high, there is really no point in doing abs exercises. Now don’t get me wrong and not saying you should not do abdominal exercises at all, you can if you want to but you should not hope to see your abs developing because the layers of fat in front of your abdominal muscles will not allow you see your abs.

Am going to keep this very simple and short and i will type the exact way i talk. If your body fat percentage is still high, there is really no point in doing abs exercises. Now don’t get me wrong and not saying you should not do abdominal exercises at all, you can if you want to but you should not hope to see your abs developing because the layers of fat in front of your abdominal muscles will not allow you see your abs.

So my point is if your body fat percentage is still very high focus on reducing your body fat through HIIT (High intensity interval training), good low carbs meals and supplementation and healthy drinks. When your body fat is low enough, you might even find out that your already have a six pack which has just been hiding beneath the layers of fat on your belly region(abdominal). With this been said we can then move on to building your abs.

Building your abs

There is very little for me to say here because if you have already reduced your body fat percentage and you’re are now seeing your abs, all you now have to do is build your abs by doing various exercises which target different areas, from your lower abs to your obliques and then your upper abs. (There are scientific names for all these different body parts but I choose to just call them, lower abs, v-line, upper abs, and side abs lol). I will go more into details about specific exercises in another post, so just be on the lookout 😉 but for now, I hope you understood the simple basics.